Functions related to niche pages.
Template in use: 'templates/niche.html'
NB. Save admin settings to implement any changes in this file!
Page constants you may use:
DOMAIN - domain name. like 'somesite.com'
LANGUAGE - current used language, like 'en' or 'de'
REAL_ID - niche (category, tag) id, like '42334'
DIR_ID - directory id for a niche, like 'A4B2C3S3E4'. DIR_ID = GetFolderId(REAL_ID)
NICHE_NAME - niche name, like 'mature big tits'
DIR_NAME - name of directory, like 'Mature-Big-Tits' DIR_NAME = GetFolderName(NICHE_NAME);
TOTAL_VIDEOS - total number of videos in current niche (category)
TOTAL_PAGES - total number of pages for the niche, like '22'
CURRENT_PAGE_NUM - number of current page, like '2'.
if (!defined('TAGS_LIMIT')) define('TAGS_LIMIT', $config['np_tags_amount']);
if (!defined('VIDEO_DIR')) define('VIDEO_DIR', $config['video_folder']);
// settngs for some pages
if (!defined('INDEX_ARCHIVE')) define('INDEX_ARCHIVE', $config['index_archive']); // index all archive pages
if (!defined('INDEX_NEW')) define('INDEX_NEW', $config['index_new']); // index 'All time Best' pages
if (!defined('INDEX_ALLTIME_BEST')) define('INDEX_ALLTIME_BEST', $config['index_best']); // index 'All time Best' pages
if (!defined('INDEX_MONTH_BEST')) define('INDEX_MONTH_BEST', $config['index_month']); // index 'Month Best' pages
if (!defined('INDEX_WEEK_BEST')) define('INDEX_WEEK_BEST', $config['index_week']); // index 'Week Best' pages
if (!defined('INDEX_HISTORY')) define('INDEX_HISTORY', $config['index_history_page']); // index 'History' pages
if (!defined('INDEX_KEYWORDS')) define('INDEX_KEYWORDS', $config['index_keywords_page']); // index 'keywords (extra tags)' pages
if (!defined('INDEX_SEARCH')) define('INDEX_SEARCH', $config['index_search_page']); // index 'Search' pages
// Settings for the pages #2, #3 and so on
if (!defined('INDEX_PAGINATION')) define('INDEX_PAGINATION', $config['index_pagination']); // Index all pages except first (#2, #3 and so on.)
if (!defined('CANONICAL_PAGINATION')) define('CANONICAL_PAGINATION', $config['canonical_pagination']); // Add page # to canonincal links for the pages #2, #3 and so on.)
function ShowTitle()
Displays page title in the
global $config;
if (PAGE_TYPE == 'history') {
echo ShowTranslatedWord('history', LANGUAGE);
if (PAGE_TYPE == 'search') {
echo ShowTranslatedWord('Search results for', LANGUAGE) . " '" . SEARCH_QUERY . "'";
if (PAGE_TYPE == 'keywords') {
echo ucwords(KEYWORD) .' HD XXX Videos - Xporn';
if (!empty($config['np_title'])) {
if ($config['mp_role'] != 'cats') {
// Main page role = specific page, so we display main page title instead of niche page title
if ($config['mp_role'] == 'best' && REAL_ID == 9999997 ||
$config['mp_role'] == 'week' && REAL_ID == 9999998 ||
$config['mp_role'] == 'month' && REAL_ID == 9999999 ||
$config['mp_role'] == 'new' && REAL_ID == 0 ||
$config['mp_role'] == 'niche' && REAL_ID == $config['mp_niche']) {
$result = isset($config['mp_title_key']) ? $config['mp_title_key'] : strtoupper(DOMAIN) . ' - Free HOT XXX Video Tube!';
if (preg_match_all('~%translate:([^%]+)%~is', $result, $matches)) {
foreach ($matches[1] as $id => $word) {
$result = str_replace($matches[0][$id], translateWord($word, LANGUAGE), $result);
echo $result;
return true;
$result = str_replace('%ucwords_sitename%', ucwords(DOMAIN), $config['np_title']);
if(IS_ACTOR) $result = str_replace('%ucwords_niche%', ucwords(translate(REAL_ID, 'en')), $result);
else $result = str_replace('%ucwords_niche%', mb_ucst(translate(REAL_ID, LANGUAGE)), $result);
$result = str_replace('%video_amount%', number_format(TOTAL_VIDEOS), $result);
$result = str_replace('%page_num%', CURRENT_PAGE_NUM, $result);
if (preg_match_all('~%translate:([^%]+)%~is', $result, $matches)) {
foreach ($matches[1] as $id => $word) {
$result = str_replace($matches[0][$id], translateWord($word, LANGUAGE), $result);
} else $result = ucwords(DOMAIN) . "| " . mb_ucst(translate(REAL_ID, LANGUAGE)) . ": " . number_format(TOTAL_VIDEOS) . " videos. Page " . CURRENT_PAGE_NUM;
echo $result;
function ShowH1Title()
Displays page title
global $config;
if (PAGE_TYPE == 'history') {
echo ShowTranslatedWord('history', LANGUAGE);
if (PAGE_TYPE == 'search') {
echo ShowTranslatedWord('Search results for', LANGUAGE) . " '" . SEARCH_QUERY . "'";
if (PAGE_TYPE == 'keywords') {
echo ucwords(KEYWORD);
if (!empty($config['np_h1'])) {
if(IS_ACTOR) $result = str_replace('%ucwords_niche%', mb_ucst(translate(REAL_ID, 'en')), $config['np_h1']);
else $result = str_replace('%ucwords_niche%', mb_ucst(translate(REAL_ID, LANGUAGE)), $config['np_h1']);
$result = str_replace('%video_amount%', number_format(TOTAL_VIDEOS), $result);
$result = str_replace('%page_num%', CURRENT_PAGE_NUM, $result);
if (preg_match_all('~%translate:([^%]+)%~is', $result, $matches)) {
foreach ($matches[1] as $id => $word) {
$result = str_replace($matches[0][$id], translateWord($word, LANGUAGE), $result);
} else $result = str_replace('%ucwords_niche%', mb_ucst(translate(REAL_ID, LANGUAGE)), 'Hot %ucwords_niche% videos.');
echo $result;
$pagination = null;
function ShowPagination()
Displays pagination
global $pagination;
if (!empty($pagination)) {
echo $pagination;
// TODO: add to sites's settings
//if (PAGE_TYPE == 'search' || PAGE_TYPE == 'keywords') return '';
if (TOTAL_PAGES < 2) return '';
$page_type = PAGE_TYPE == 'archive' ? 'archive/' : '';
$current = CURRENT_PAGE_NUM == 'best' ? 1 : CURRENT_PAGE_NUM;
$next = $current + 1;
$prev = $current - 1;
$p = $prev == 1 ? '' : $prev;
if (PAGE_TYPE == 'keywords') $path = getKeywordsFolder().'/';
elseif (PAGE_TYPE == 'search') $path = getSearchFolder().'/';
else $path = getNicheFolder(DIR_ID,DIR_NAME);
$pagination = '';
if ($prev > 0) $pagination .= ' ' . "\n";
$start = min(max(1, $current - 3), max(TOTAL_PAGES - 6, 1));
$end = min(max(7, $current + 3), TOTAL_PAGES);
if ($start > 1) $pagination .= ' ' . "\n";
for ($i = $start; $i <= $end; $i++) {
$class = ($i == $current) ? 'btn-default active' : 'btn-default';
$p = $i == 1 ? '' : $i;
$pagination .= '' . $i . ' ' . "\n";
if ($end < TOTAL_PAGES) $pagination .= ' ' . "\n";
if ($next <= TOTAL_PAGES) $pagination .= ' ' . "\n";
$pagination .= ' ';
echo $pagination;
function trimTags($input_tags = array())
Trimming tags before displaying when their amount exceeds TAGS_LIMIT
global $bad_tags_ids;
$result = array();
$tags = array();
if (is_array($input_tags) && sizeof($input_tags)) foreach ($input_tags as $k => $v) if (!isset($bad_tags_ids[$v])) $tags[] = $v;
$tags_count = count($tags);
if ($tags_count > TAGS_LIMIT) {
$step = floor($tags_count / TAGS_LIMIT);
if ($step < 1) return array();
$current = TAGS_SHIFT % $step;
for ($num = 1; $num <= TAGS_LIMIT; $num++) {
if (isset($tags[$current])) {
$result[] = $tags[$current];
$current += $step;
} else $result = $tags;
return $result;
function DrawNicheSpot()
global $config;
$record = GetNextRecord();
if (empty($record)) return '';
if ($config['np_show_spons']) {
$sponsor_id = 10000000 + $record['sponsor'];
$sponsor_name = translate($sponsor_id, LANGUAGE);
$sponsor = '";
} else $sponsor = '';
$ago = floor(time() - $record['added']);
if ($ago < 86400) {
// less than a day
$ago = floor($ago / 3600);
$added_ago = $ago > 1 ? $ago . " hours ago" : "1 hour ago";
} elseif ($ago < 2592000) {
//less than a month
$ago = floor($ago / 86400);
$added_ago = $ago > 1 ? $ago . " days ago" : "1 day ago";
} elseif ($ago < 31536000) {
//less than a year
$ago = floor($ago / 2592000);
$added_ago = $ago > 1 ? $ago . " months ago" : "1 month ago";
} else {
//more than a year
$ago = floor($ago / 31536000);
$added_ago = $ago > 1 ? $ago . " years ago" : "1 year ago";
$tag_text = '
if ($config['np_show_tags']) {
if (is_array($record['tags']) && count($record['tags'])) {
$tags_code = array();
foreach ($record['tags'] as $tag_id) {
if(!empty($record['actors']) && in_array($tag_id,$record['actors'])) continue;
$tag_name = translate($tag_id, LANGUAGE);
if ($tag_name == 'unknown!') continue;
$tag_en = translate($tag_id, 'en');
$dir_name = GetFolderName($tag_en);
$dir_id = GetFolderId($tag_id);
$tags_code[] = getNicheLink($dir_id, $dir_name, $tag_name);
if (count($tags_code)) $tag_text = '' . join(', ', $tags_code) . '
else $tag_text = '
} else {
$tags_to_title = '';
if ($config['np_tags_to_title']) {
if (is_array($record['tags']) && count($record['tags'])) {
$tags_code = array();
foreach ($record['tags'] as $tag_id => $v) {
$tags_code[] = translate($tag_id, LANGUAGE);
if (count($tags_code)) $tags_to_title = join(", ", $tags_code);
else $tags_to_title = '';
$link = getVideoFolder($record['desc'], $record['id']);
$alt = $title = $config['np_tags_to_title'] ? $tags_to_title : $record['desc'];
$record['desc'] = ucfirst($record['desc']);
$alt = $config['np_show_alt'] ? ' alt="' . $alt . '"' : '';
$title = $config['np_show_title'] ? ' title="' . $title . '"' : '';
$desc = $config['np_show_desc'] ? "{$record['desc']} " : '';
if (empty($record['duration'])) $record['duration'] = rand(1, 6) . ':' . rand(0, 59); // better than nothing
$data_id = $record['src'] == $record['id'] ? '' : 'data-id="' . $record['id'] . '" ';
$code = '
' . $desc . $tag_text .
$sponsor . '
echo $code;
function mb_ucst($str)
$fc = mb_strtoupper(mb_substr($str, 0, 1));
return $fc . mb_substr($str, 1);
function ShowRelatedCategories($amount = 20)
function GetExtraCategories($amount=20):
$amount - number of related categories to show, 20 by default
$extra_categories = GetExtraCategories($amount);
if (!empty($extra_categories)) {
$code = '';
$translated = translate($extra_categories, LANGUAGE);
$translated_en = translate($extra_categories, 'en');
foreach ($translated as $id => $name) {
$name = mb_ucfirst($name);
$name_en = ucwords($translated_en[$id]);
$code .= '' . getNicheLink(GetFolderId($id), GetFolderName($name_en), $name) . ' ';
$code .= ' ';
} else $code = '';
echo $code;
function ShowButtonClass($button_name = null)
switch ($button_name) {
case 'latest':
echo PAGE_TYPE == 'best' ? "btn-default" : 'btn-default active';
case 'best':
echo PAGE_TYPE == 'best' ? "btn-default active" : 'btn-default';
case 'home':
echo "btn-default";
case 'new':
echo REAL_ID == 0 ? 'btn-default sel' : 'btn-default';
case 'alltime':
echo REAL_ID == 9999997 ? 'btn-default sel' : 'btn-default';
case 'week':
echo REAL_ID == 9999998 ? 'btn-default sel' : 'btn-default';
case 'month':
echo REAL_ID == 9999999 ? 'btn-default sel' : 'btn-default';
case 'history':
echo PAGE_TYPE == 'history' ? 'btn-default sel' : 'btn-default';
echo "btn-default";
function ShowMetaDescription()
global $config;
Displays meta description.
There are 10 sample templates. Each niche will use the same description template all the time.
if ($config['mp_role'] != 'cats') {
// Main page role = specific page, so we display main page description instead of niche page description
if ($config['mp_role'] == 'best' && REAL_ID == 9999997 ||
$config['mp_role'] == 'week' && REAL_ID == 9999998 ||
$config['mp_role'] == 'month' && REAL_ID == 9999999 ||
$config['mp_role'] == 'new' && REAL_ID == 0 ||
$config['mp_role'] == 'niche' && REAL_ID == $config['mp_niche']) {
if (isset($config['mp_description'])) echo $config['mp_description'];
return true;
$phrase = NICHE_NAME;
if (PAGE_TYPE == 'keywords') $phrase = ucwords(KEYWORD);
if (PAGE_TYPE == 'search') $phrase = SEARCH_QUERY;
// As an idea. Phrase 'Watch free porn' need to be translated.
//echo translateWord('Watch free porn', LANGUAGE) . ': ' . $phrase;
$d_id = PAGE_TYPE == 'best' || PAGE_TYPE == 'archive' ? (REAL_ID % 10) : rand(0, 9);
$desc_templates = array('This page is dedicated to _TAG_', 'Here is we collected all that you wanted about _TAG_', 'All about _TAG_. Page updates daily!',
'All what you wanted to see about _TAG_', 'Latest _TAG_ updates. We add new porn videos hourly.', 'Are you looking for _TAG_? This page is all you need! New clips every hour.', 'Interesting in _TAG_? Here you are!', 'Daily updated _TAG_ content!',
'Dreamed of _TAG_? We have some for you! Bookmark this page to see daily updates.', 'We collected for you best of _TAG_ of this page. Fresh videos added on hourly basis!');
echo str_replace('_TAG_', $phrase, $desc_templates[$d_id]);
function ShowMetaKeywords()
Displays meta keywords
echo "";
function ShowLink($link_name = null)
Displays either link to 'best' page or to 'archive' page
$path = getNicheFolder(DIR_ID, DIR_NAME);
echo $link_name == 'best' ? $path : $path . 'archive';
function ShowLanguageSelector()
// Displays dropdown language selector
global $ALL_LANGS;
if(!SHOW_LANG_SELECT) return false;
$lang_names = array();
$lang_names['en'] = 'English';
$lang_names['de'] = 'Deutsch';
$lang_names['fr'] = 'Français';
$lang_names['it'] = 'Italiano';
$lang_names['ru'] = 'Русский';
$lang_names['es'] = 'Español';
$lang_names['tr'] = 'Türkçe';
$lang_names['vi'] = 'Vietnamese';
$lang_names['pt'] = 'Português';
$lang_names['nl'] = 'Nederlands';
$lang_names['sv'] = 'Svenska';
$lang_names['id'] = 'Indonesia';
$lang_names['ms'] = 'Malay';
$lang_names['ur'] = 'اردو';
$lang_names['ja'] = '日本語';
$lang_names['ko'] = '한국어';
$lang_names['th'] = 'ภาษาไทย';
$lang_names['hi'] = 'हिंदी';
$lang_names['zh'] = '中文';
$lang_names['ar'] = 'العربية';
$lang_names['cs'] = 'Čeština';
$lang_names['da'] = 'Dansk';
$lang_names['el'] = 'Ελληνικά';
$lang_names['hu'] = 'Magyar';
$lang_names['no'] = 'Norsk';
$lang_names['sk'] = 'Slovenčina';
$lang_names['sl'] = 'Slovenščina';
$lang_names['fi'] = 'Suomi';
// No languages in URLs
$name = isset($lang_names[LANGUAGE]) ? $lang_names[LANGUAGE] : 'English';
echo "\n
".$name." ";
return true;
$text = "\n";
$postfix = (PAGE_TYPE == 'archive') ? '/archive' : '';
if (CURRENT_PAGE_NUM > 1) $postfix .= '/' . CURRENT_PAGE_NUM;
foreach ($ALL_LANGS as $language) {
$name = isset($lang_names[$language]) ? $lang_names[$language] : 'English';
$selected = ($language == LANGUAGE) ? ' selected' : '';
if (PAGE_TYPE == 'history') $path = getHistoryFolder($language);
elseif (PAGE_TYPE == 'search') $path = getSearchFolder($language);
elseif (PAGE_TYPE == 'keywords') $path = getKeywordsFolder($language);
elseif(REAL_ID == '9999997') $path = showHeaderLink('best',$language, true);
elseif(REAL_ID == '9999998') $path = showHeaderLink('week',$language, true);
elseif(REAL_ID == '9999999') $path = showHeaderLink('month',$language, true);
else $path = getNicheFolder(DIR_ID, DIR_NAME,$language) . $postfix;
$text .= '' . $name . " \n";
$text .= " \n ";
echo $text;
function getHistoryFolder($language = null){
global $config;
// history_URL
//'1' => test.com/en/history,
//'2' => test.com/history,
if(empty($language))$language = LANGUAGE;
if($config['history_URL']=='1') return '/'.$language.'/'.$config['history_folder'];
return '/'.$config['history_folder'];
function getSearchFolder($language = null, $text = null){
global $config;
$phrase = !is_null($text)?$text:SEARCH_QUERY;
if(empty($language))$language = LANGUAGE;
if($config['search_URL']=='1') return '/'.$language.'/'.$config['search_folder'];
elseif ($config['search_URL']=='2') return '/'.$config['search_folder'];
elseif ($config['search_URL']=='3') return '/'.$language.'/'.$config['search_folder'].'/'.str_replace(' ','-',ucwords($phrase));
return '/'.$config['search_folder'].'/'.str_replace(' ','-',ucwords($phrase));
function getKeywordsFolder($language = null){
global $config;
if(empty($language))$language = LANGUAGE;
if($config['keywords_URL']=='1') return '/'.$config['keywords_folder'].'/'.$language.'/'.GetFolderName(KEYWORD);
elseif ($config['keywords_URL']=='2') return '/'.$language.'/'.$config['keywords_folder'].'/'.GetFolderName(KEYWORD);
return '/'.$config['keywords_folder'].'/'.GetFolderName(KEYWORD);
function ShowRelPagination()
// Displays Next/Prev rel links in section
if(PAGE_TYPE=='keywords'||PAGE_TYPE=='history'||PAGE_TYPE=='search')return true;
$page_type = PAGE_TYPE == 'archive' ? 'archive/' : '';
$links = "\n";
$prev = CURRENT_PAGE_NUM - 1;
if ($prev == 1) $prev = '';
$links .= ' \n";
$next = CURRENT_PAGE_NUM + 1;
$links .= ' \n";
echo $links;
function ShowCanonicalLink()
// Displays canonical Link for a page
if (PAGE_TYPE == 'keywords') $link = PROTOCOL . '://' . WWW . DOMAIN . getKeywordsFolder();
elseif (PAGE_TYPE == 'history') $link = PROTOCOL . '://' . WWW . DOMAIN . getHistoryFolder();
elseif(PAGE_TYPE == 'search') $link = PROTOCOL . '://' . WWW . DOMAIN . getSearchFolder();
elseif(PAGE_TYPE == 'new') $link = PROTOCOL . '://' . WWW . DOMAIN . showHeaderLink('new',null, true);
elseif(REAL_ID == '9999997') $link = PROTOCOL . '://' . WWW . DOMAIN . showHeaderLink('best',null, true);
elseif(REAL_ID == '9999998') $link = PROTOCOL . '://' . WWW . DOMAIN . showHeaderLink('week',null, true);
elseif(REAL_ID == '9999999') $link = PROTOCOL . '://' . WWW . DOMAIN . showHeaderLink('month',null, true);
else {
if (PAGE_TYPE == 'archive') {
$page_type = CURRENT_PAGE_NUM != 'best' && CURRENT_PAGE_NUM > 1 ? 'archive/' : 'archive';
} else $page_type = '';
$link = PROTOCOL . '://' . WWW . DOMAIN . getNicheFolder(DIR_ID, DIR_NAME) . $page_type;
echo ' ';
if ((PAGE_TYPE == 'keywords' && !INDEX_KEYWORDS) ||
(PAGE_TYPE == 'search' && !INDEX_SEARCH) ||
(PAGE_TYPE == 'history' && !INDEX_HISTORY) ||
(PAGE_TYPE == 'archive' && !INDEX_ARCHIVE) ||
(PAGE_TYPE == 'new' && !INDEX_NEW) ||
(REAL_ID == 9999997 && !INDEX_ALLTIME_BEST) ||
(REAL_ID == 9999998 && !INDEX_WEEK_BEST) ||
(REAL_ID == 9999999 && !INDEX_MONTH_BEST) ||
echo '
function ShowAlternateLinks()
// Displays alternate links
global $ALL_LANGS;
if (!MULTI_LANGUAGES) return true;
$result = "\n";
if (PAGE_TYPE == 'keywords') $path = PROTOCOL . '://' . WWW . DOMAIN . getKeywordsFolder(DEFAULT_LANG);
elseif (PAGE_TYPE == 'history') $path = PROTOCOL . '://' . WWW . DOMAIN . getHistoryFolder(DEFAULT_LANG);
elseif (PAGE_TYPE == 'search') $path = PROTOCOL . '://' . WWW . DOMAIN . getSearchFolder(DEFAULT_LANG);
else {
$page_type = PAGE_TYPE == 'archive' ? '/archive' : '';
$path = PROTOCOL . '://' . WWW . DOMAIN . getNicheFolder(DIR_ID, DIR_NAME, DEFAULT_LANG) . $page_type;
$result .= ' \n";
foreach ($ALL_LANGS as $language) {
if (PAGE_TYPE == 'keywords') $path = PROTOCOL . '://' . WWW . DOMAIN . getKeywordsFolder($language);
elseif (PAGE_TYPE == 'history') $path = PROTOCOL . '://' . WWW . DOMAIN . getHistoryFolder($language);
elseif (PAGE_TYPE == 'search') $path = PROTOCOL . '://' . WWW . DOMAIN . getSearchFolder($language);
else {
$page_type = PAGE_TYPE == 'archive' ? '/archive' : '';
$path = PROTOCOL . '://' . WWW . DOMAIN . getNicheFolder(DIR_ID, DIR_NAME, $language) . $page_type;
$result .= ' \n";
echo $result;
return true;
function NeedLinks()
Returns true if it's needed to show 'Best' & 'Latest' links
We don't need to show those links on 'All time best', 'Month best' & 'Week best' pages
return PAGE_TYPE == 'keywords' || PAGE_TYPE == 'history' || PAGE_TYPE == 'search' || REAL_ID == 9999997 || REAL_ID == 9999998 || REAL_ID == 9999999 ? false : true;
Fatal error : Uncaught Error: Call to undefined function trimTags() in /var/www/vhosts/pornohd.top/xporn.uk/buran/niche.php:1654
Stack trace:
#0 /var/www/vhosts/pornohd.top/xporn.uk/buran/niche.php(420): drawNiche()
#1 /var/www/vhosts/pornohd.top/xporn.uk/buran/niche.php(1802): parseRequest()
#2 /var/www/vhosts/pornohd.top/xporn.uk/router.php(74): include('/var/www/vhosts...')
#3 {main}
thrown in /var/www/vhosts/pornohd.top/xporn.uk/buran/niche.php on line 1654